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Full Version: Patrick Talbot - Fool - mixed by mick2015
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Another cool, cruisy blues/jazz flavoured tune from Patrick. Fun to mix once again and the lyrics made me chuckle. Feedback and comments most welcome.

Hey Mike, cool mix! Smile
Glad you like the song and that it made you chuckle, that was the idea!

Only a few nitpicks:
- I think the rhodes would benefit from some grit or modulation, it's a bit too bland right now.
- the drums sound very dry, perhaps using a little bit more of the room mic or creating your own ambience with a little bit of reverb would make them sound better?
- the LV sound a little muffled, perhaps it's a matter of cutting a little bit of mud and adding some air to it.
- You didn't play with the eyebrows (see my notes in the sticky post), a lost opportunity to have fun, I think!

Other than these little things, sounds pretty good to me! Keep it up! Smile
Thanks Pat, appreciate the feedback! Smile
Hi Pat,

Here's another mix that I've completed with a slightly different approach. Interested to hear your feedback.

It's punchier but I think you have too much compression on the drums. The snare and kick are really smacking hard ATM, making the drums a bit overbearing.
Actually, I think there's too much compression limiting overall, I would ease up on the limiter on the master bus, I feel the mix being rather congested and there's some audible pumping going on. A stylistic choice perhaps, but I think it's choking your mix.
Apart from that the tones and levels sound nice to me. Good job! Smile
Thanks Pat. The compression was a stylistic choice, however in retrospect it probably is a bit over-cooked. I think I'll have another go and tweak a couple of those elements. Glad you liked the overall tone and levels.