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This immediately reminded me of Weezer so I just kept it simple. 

I'd like to go back and try adding a sample to the kick but this time I kept it natural, just using Decapitator and a multiband expander. I like how I got the snare. Cymbals had so much bleed that tbh most of my hi-hat comes from the kick mic, I actually got rid of the overheads and just kept the room for the rest of the cymbals.

Guitars were cool as they were, just blended them with a little compression and no reverb.

Vocals were a bit nasally and muddy, but using Microshift and Decapitator brightened them enough. 

Bass sounded like a P-Bass, was bright and just needed some compression to keep it steady. Nothing much there.

I still think there needs more snap and less mud in the low end, but I'm going to move on to something else for now.