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Full Version: Mix of Ethan Winer's Cello Concerto
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My mixing approach was to emulate the traditional orchestra player placement, not only left to right, but from to back.
To achieve better distinction between instruments, I actually made each track mono to start with, in Logic Pro.
Then I sent each each mono track to Metric Halo's MIO Console (I use a Metric Halo ULN-2 audio interface -- clear and detailed converters), along with assigning instruments to 1 of 4 aux busses:
  • Aux1:  Solo Cello and Solo Violin
  • Aux2:  Front row instruments (Strings)
  • Aux3:  Middle Row (Woodwinds)
  • Aux4:  Back Row (Horns, Tuba, Bass, and drums/percussion)
In MIO Console, I applied panning to match left and right player position.

I create 4 reverbs using the Metric Halo "Halo" reverb, applying distance/damping, high and low pass filtering to achieve the distance I want for each Aux bus:
  • Aux1:  "Close"
  • Aux2:  "Mid"
  • Aux3:  "Far"
  • Aux4:  "Very Far"
Again, my goal was to achieve a natural sounding orchestra sound in hall.

I only applied limiting on the master buss, and was not interested in trying to make it sound "loud", so I tried to retain the natural dynamics in the record performance.

The MP3 is 192/44.1

Please comment as you desire.

Note to Ethan Winer:  I have enjoyed this piece of music very much... very pretty, and dynamic, I sometimes listen to it several times in a row!