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Full Version: Bobby Nobody - Stitch Up - Mix by Theo PB
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Very catchy pop-rock song, and very well recorded. The drums sound great, the vocals are clear, the guitars have body and presence, the bass offers varying combinations of good cabinet sounds. We can even feel a nice saturation baked in all the tracks.

I hear some piano parts in the official mix, that are not available in the multitracks, it's a pity and the song still sounds great without.

So mixing this song was not too hard, perhaps the biggest challenge was to organize the tracks and find a routing that makes sense along with panning and setting volumes (so many guitars and vocal parts!). After that, some basic EQ, compression and saturation was all the song needed to sound punchy and groovy.

I think this is mix is good with some nice tones and balances. I particularly like the vocal mix. I do find the mixbus eq is a little bit flat for my taste though. I feel a 0.5-1db high shelf from around 1k ish brings this mix alive a bit more?

Arrangement wise a whole lot more can be done with this if you are so inclined. If you check the library mix there some parts that are moved around, muted, and re-arranged, and some delays etc added here and there to add a bit more excitement. It's worth checking out Mike's Mix Rescue article too, if you haven't already. (You can always try adding in those additional parts yourself too!)

I see you've posted up around 20 mixes already, but haven't picked up any comments yet. Do feel free to pass comment and discuss your thoughts on others mixes too - you might find that you pick up further comments on your mixes by way of people returning the favour.

Hi Mike, thanks for the feedback! Your EQ suggestion works very well indeed.

I admit I have spent some time mixing, but not as much listening to others' work. I'll start giving feedback, good suggestion, after all that's how this community livesĀ :-)

About the song, I agree the edits in the final mix change everything. As with most multitracks, I approached it in a "technical mixer" rather than a "artistic producer"'s perspective, not daring to make production changes.
