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Full Version: My 'On the Line' Mix
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Beautiful song, I enjoyed mixing it. I'd appreciate any feedback.
You've gone for a much wetter sound here, and while this does warm up the overall texture, I think you need to control what you're putting in there a bit more. Particularly at the low end, the effects are really swimming, blurring the bass movements, and by extension the harmonic momentum of the song. At least some EQ cuts in the effect returns would be sensible in my view.

The slapback delays you've got on the lead vocal are also causing a distracting flamming on some of consonants which I found quite distracting -- on "and all he asks of you" at 0:28 for example. Again, if you're committed to that specific effect sound, some EQ cuts in the return, this time at the high end, might help a lot there. Alternatively, a heavy de-esser on the send might also function well.
Thank you for the critique. Smile