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Full Version: 2:13
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Hi, does anyone else hear a squeaky door at 2:13? I've listened to a few of your mixes and you have all eliminated it. How?
I don't remember a squeaky door. It's been a while since I mixed this one. I just took a quick look at it and couldn't find the door sound. Do you know what track it's on?
It's a bizarre thing. I soloed each instrument in turn and there was no squeak on any of the tracks, then I muted in turn and the squeak vanished when I took our the drum group. So I soloed the drum group again and there was no squeak.

I'll have a look at it again tomorrow. My head's burst with it today.
I think it's because of the way I have processed the drums. The hi-hat seems to be the main culprit so that should be fixable.