29-10-2016, 01:45 AM
Version 1.0.
Not sure if I'm 100% happy with the mix but got to the point where I need a break.....and I've found that posting a mix is the fastest way to zero in on elements that need improving.
Will dive in and review some mixes once my ears cool down!!
New Version, 1.1, updated below
New Version, 2.0, updated below (page 2)
New Version, 2.1, updated below (top of page 4) for Mike Senior
Final Version, 2.2, updated below (bottom of page 4) Contest entry
Not sure if I'm 100% happy with the mix but got to the point where I need a break.....and I've found that posting a mix is the fastest way to zero in on elements that need improving.
Will dive in and review some mixes once my ears cool down!!
New Version, 1.1, updated below
New Version, 2.0, updated below (page 2)
New Version, 2.1, updated below (top of page 4) for Mike Senior
Final Version, 2.2, updated below (bottom of page 4) Contest entry