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Full Version: Mixed a few years ago and found it.
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I don't remember what i did to it. But i found it in an email attachment thought it was cool and sounded good so decided to upload it here. This is my first post here but im planning to do more. Been getting my confidence hurt so looking for feedback from others on what Im not hearing not necessarily this one because it is old, but on newer ones coming.Also will be giving my feed back to those looking for it.

first thing I noticed is that the drums are too bright and too loud. Force yourself to focus more on the midrage, bring some warmth to it and try to sonically differentiate between each instrument there. The result is a more pleasurable sound with a much more organic feel to it. Now you can start with changing the overall sound, to fit the needs of the song. So, see it more like a starting point, from which you have the total control and overview over the song, to actually know what you want to do.

Furthermore, the dobro and the piano stand out a little bit in terms of depth; they basically lack of reverb.

Too much bass frequencies. Mixed on small speakers?

Yep, that's it for now. Hope I could help you. Wink

Hi Marv,
Nice to meet you, thanks for responding. I hear what your talking about. I don't remember the detail about my listening environment i just remember on this song i was experimenting odd things in terms of placement.