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Well this was tough. The toughest part, imo, was getting the low end hand percussion out of the classical guitar. I side chain compressed it with the kick, as well as putting a monoizer (best description I can give it) with every from about 720 Hz down being sent to mono, then boosted the low end so that the strummed parts sounded warmer. I kept a lot of low end out of this mix, as the timing made it feel a bit wonky, and it was hitting the buss compressor pretty hard.

I tried for a quiet, delicate, clear mix with just enough verb for intimacy.

Whatchouguys think?

I enjoyed listening to this, it sounds very natural in flow.
Nice job. the thing about this mix is because everyone has had to time edit this so dramatically evey track has a different feel in certain spots. I like the feel you've achieved a lot. I think its just a little lack in bass for my taste. Nice Job