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Ec c cho Lol
Here goes nothing Smile

v.2 update.. fine tuned everything all around and detailed the voices lil better.
Which on is better?

.mp3    ECHO.mp3 --  (Download: 9.56 MB)

.mp3    ECHO2.mp3 --  (Download: 9.56 MB)

I Like ECHO2 , sounds well balanced ,the vocal sibilance T's and S may need a little more taming around 6-7k or maybe being enhanced by the reverb.

Cheers Big Grin

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(10-11-2019, 10:21 AM)thedon Wrote: I Like ECHO2 , sounds well balanced ,the vocal sibilance T's and S may need a little more taming around 6-7k or maybe being enhanced by the reverb.

Cheers Big Grin

Thanks Don.. I shall reivise that when I open it again. great to hear your input Smile
Finally a song in me credit wheelhouse. Even though I hate stuff like this I was mired in pop stuff like this for years....

Overall, it feels fine. My biggest issue is the snare and vocal. The snare gets in the way of the vocal and takes the spotlight away. And in this genre that's a no-no. I don't know the original mutlitracks of this one but this feels like an instance to totally replace that snare with something less obtrusive and put in for writing credit. The vocal is a bit 'mushy'. It could be more defined.

The vocal should always be the focus. That doesn't mean it needs to be over the top or too out front but the music should be the artist's red carpet in pop songs like this. The music should be fashion around the vocal. Yes that's pretentious. Yes it doesn't make a lot of technical sense. And yes I'm right.

Sorry I think I just had some PTSD.

It's a fine mix but for the genre it needs to be...'more'. I know that doesn't help but that was some of the best feedback I've gotten back in the day...
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hey Roy noted. I am busy this week but I was planning on getting back at it again. I shall listen to more pop reference. I also feel I overdid the low end on this. Thanks for your input.
Hey shul, this one was good of you i think, very deep and creative. I miss the claps though and the vocals are a tiny ringy too me.