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Still Flying! Just did a course so tell me if its any good
A good mixer should always listen to the ref mix and/or the pre-prod of a band. That's the only way to deliver a mix that stays within the boundaries of the genre and meets the expectations of the fans and the band. In other words: You have to make those guys happy, not yourself.

The problem is: Your mix is a complete mess. A lot of the tracks are in the wrong place (all the leads, some vocals) and you should have fixed that before turning any knobs. On top of that, the "signature" sound of this genre is heavily based on limiting guitars, bass and vocals, clipping drums and pushing everything to the max to make every song as loud and big as possible. This band has to compete with other bands in their genre and those guys all have a huge wall of sound. Do you really think that an organic and "soft" sound will help them to stand out and make those guys happy? I doubt that.

Also: Vocals are too loud. And a lot of other stuff is not loud enough when it should be loud.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Still Flying! Just did a course so tell me if its any good - by Blitzzz - 08-12-2016, 09:58 AM