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Digital Only LUNA Late Night That Town
Actually there's no Decapitator in the whole mix, which is a first for me. Usually, I do, but not this time.

So my vocal is really unusual in this mix. I found it a bit tricky in the sense I wanted it present, but not overwhelming, so I made my own distortion sort of.
First I put Devil-Loc on the track and then I split the track into 2 tracks. 1 is the dry track, and then I made a distorted track that I mix in. It's a bit of a process with the distortion track, but it involves:
A high pass at 150
A UAD 1176 that I've got crushing the level at 8:1. Slow attack fast release.
A UAD Neve 1073 that I have on MIC mode, and then cranked the preamp till it broke up nice.
EQ to notch out some nasties
Then I blend them back together into another UAD Neve 1073 in MIC mode but just a pass-through, no distortion. The distortion track will be mixed in about 15-20db quieter than the dry.
Then I EQed the track with the Sie-Q, compressed only a little to keep it under control, then a limiter to catch the peaks (no more than 1 or 2 db of compression).

And that's it. The rest is effects and crap.
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RE: Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night That Town - by Quathamer - 02-06-2020, 11:53 AM