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Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0
(28-04-2020, 09:32 PM)RoyM Wrote: I don’t find the kick muddy but many a little…resonant? Thumpy? It feels like it comes and goes though. But there are times when there’s just a frequency in the lows that seems to poke out. The bass gtr might be a little muddy but I’m not sure it bothers me that much. Do you think the kick might be fighting with the kick at all? I wonder if the kick eq was done to make it stand up against the bass guitar. I might be overthinking it but maybe the bass could be cleaned up in the lower mids or in the 150hz range (just a random guess) and then the lows of the kick could be tamed because it’d have less to compete against. I’m probably over thinking it. I think the bass works and I’d worry about losing the overall support it gives.

I’ve listened through a couple of time and don’t really notice and crackles. 

I like the snare tone but I think it might occasionally get in the way of the vocal. I wouldn’t worry about it or mess with it but I’d also keep it in mind and maybe consider less bottom mic in the future.

I think the vocal level works but maybe could come up at times. I think it’s good in the verses but maybe could be ridden up a couple of dB when it has more to compete against. Thomas might be right regarding high end/air. It might be the contrast with the snare. I like how the vocal sounds and I’d be worried of it getting to harsh or sibilant. Maybe there can be a very subtle effects change between the verses and chorus to add that interest without adding highs. Or maybe not.

I like the dynamics. Especially guitar 2 in the chorus. Lol. Overall it sounds good. I wouldn’t bother working on it any more or at least going for something better. I think any issues are relatively minor and not worth messing with an already good mix. Any of my thoughts are more things to think about for the next mixes.


That was quick, wasn't expecting a repy so soon.

I'll have to check, but I think I did make some sort of attempt to sort out the kick and bass... I don't recall that I cut much of the lower mids of the bass though, so you are likely spot on there with your suggestion - many thanks.  I probably did boost the fundamental of the kick a little.  Previously I feel I was cutting and boosting certain things out of habit to some extent, rather than out of consideration, if that makes sense?  I am maybe being a bit too conservative in some areas now probably, so yeah, something for me to work on going forward.

Yeah, that snare and vocal clash, again.  I think you mentioned this for the mix I did just after this one too.  Seems to be becoming a feature that I need to fix.

I wasn't sure about the snare bottom mic. I do remember I did reduce the level of it a fair bit from where I initially set it.  I recall reading that a lot of people seem to ditch it altogether, more generally speaking (not speaking about this mix in particular) and just use the snare top??

I initially started this 2nd attempt to see where I went wrong with the drums on my first go.  I didn't seem to have as many problems this time round.

Looking at the final mix waveform this track keeps growing in volume until the end, which I think is why getting the vocal level right throughout is tricky.   Regarding the vocal eq I was thinking I might try out the maag eq air band to see if it does the trick.

As I mentioned earlier I feel I really have learned a huge amount from mixing this track, and from all the comments and suggestions.  I just hope I can remember some of it going forward.  I feel I am going to keep forgetting to check the snare/vocal thing....

Many thanks once again.

Just uploaded a mix/master?  Waiting for comments? Why not give back and critique a mix/master, or two!

Messages In This Thread
Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by mikej - 11-04-2020, 09:57 AM
RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - by ThomasStevenson - 13-04-2020, 12:24 AM
RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - by mikej - 13-04-2020, 01:20 AM
RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - by Roy - 14-04-2020, 04:20 PM
RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - by mikej - 14-04-2020, 10:44 PM
RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - by Roy - 14-04-2020, 11:46 PM
RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - by mikej - 15-04-2020, 12:34 AM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by mikej - 20-04-2020, 02:06 PM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by mikej - 24-04-2020, 03:39 PM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by mikej - 28-04-2020, 09:00 PM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by Roy - 28-04-2020, 09:32 PM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by mikej - 28-04-2020, 10:43 PM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by Roy - 28-04-2020, 11:20 PM
RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - by mikej - 29-04-2020, 08:28 PM