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Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - Printable Version

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Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - mikej - 11-04-2020


My attempt.


Updated: Started again. Added mix 2.0 (latest).

RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - ThomasStevenson - 13-04-2020

Hi Mike

Here are some observations I made while listening through

- like the verse guitar treatment. Overpowering the vocals in the balance
- like the muted drums (just kick initially) - the reference mix is mine, and I did the same thing - helps the build
- really limited hard. Intentional? I am hearing the distortion quite prominently.
- nice bridge treatment - super creative - cool
- overall balance. Drums are low in the balance for me except the cymbals.
- yeah, my main point of feedback is the limiting - the impact of the last bridge is really diminished as a result - repost no limiting?
- you've got a live vibe going on that is cool

Thanks for mixing the track and sharing


RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - mikej - 13-04-2020


Many thanks for taking time to listen and for the detailed notes. It really is appreciated, and has already helped me out a lot.

No, I didn't intend to limit it as hard as I appear to have done. Blush. My aim was to do quite the opposite in fact.
- I've uploaded a version with no limiting. I'll have to have another try at it and work at the drum balance.

I enjoyed the reference mix a lot. I had that in mind, and also the Helen Watson album 'Blue Slipper' too, whilst attempting this mix.

Thanks again.

RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - Roy - 14-04-2020

I listened only to the updated version.

Overall I feel like the mix is very restrained and shy. Which I think is what you were going for but maybe it’s too shy. I really want more vocals overall. Right off the bat she says “look…” but mix wise I’m not sure what to listen to. It’s a very bare and basic arrangement (which isn’t a complaint) up to the first chorus and the focus should be all on her.

I agree with Thomas and could use more drums. They feel a little disconnected. The toms are out front and generally pop out of the mix while the snare is off in the distance. I’m not sure it’s just a volume or reverb thing. Oh, I forget were there any phase issues wit the snare mics on this one? I kinda want to say there was but I might be misremebering.I don’t hate the snare sound. It feels a little 80s but that’s ok. I’m missing the kick in general. The bass works.

Sonically, I think there might be a lot going on in the mids/upper mids and it might be getting crowded. Between the distorted guitars and the snare and the upper range of the vocals it just might all just be too much going on in a narrow space.

There are times when the mix gels like in the pre chorus and it really works. I do want more excitement from the chorus though.

All a bit vague, I know.

RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - mikej - 14-04-2020


Thanks for giving it a listen, and for sharing your thoughts.

On reflection, I think you are totally right with your comments, much appreciated.

I wasn't sure of the final vocal level, and I could push them up a bit more. Perhaps the guitar is a bit loud in the intro too? I found that first transition tough, as it is quite a contrast I feel, but maybe a better vocal level would have helped there, rather than the louder guitar.

Not sure why, but I really struggled to settle on something with the drums, and you are right, the snare did somehow end up at the back of the mix. I probably need to use more gating, etc, than I did. Listening back now they don't really sound like a cohesive unit in my mix at all. I was totally trying to go for some sort of 80's thing with this, as the guitars and arrangement brought that feel to my mind.

Thanks for the tip with the mids - you are right. I can hear a few things to fix there.

Chorus - yes I think there needs to be at least a bit more contrast there, or something, perhaps.

I'll give it another go, starting with the drums. Hopefully I can get them working properly as a solid unit and then build from there. I've certainly got plenty of ideas and things in mind to try now thanks to all the comments and suggestions.

Many thanks!


RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - Roy - 14-04-2020

(14-04-2020, 10:44 PM)mikej Wrote: I wasn't sure of the final vocal level, and I could push them up a bit more. Perhaps the guitar is a bit loud in the intro too? I found that first transition tough, as it is quite a contrast I feel, but maybe a better vocal level would have helped there, rather than the louder guitar.
Yeah the intro guitar might be a little loud. It's not that huge of a part and I don't think it needs to be that out in front. It could even be smaller. I added an example below. A very rough idea but you get the point.

My gut reaction is to not think so much in terms of volume level (though that's a big part). Think in terms of size or weight or importance or the spotlight or whatever is going to be on screen during the video. Like Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" isn't a good mix because of her vocal level. It's her Voice and how the mix supports it. Mostly by keeping things out of her way. It's a different song sure but some of the ideas work similarly.

If that makes sense. I've been cooped up too long.

RE: Nerve 9 - Living Lie - mikej - 15-04-2020

What you say makes sense. (Man, Tom Elmhurst though). Thanks for the demo clip too, much appreciated.

The intro vocal needs to be closer in level to the 'stop holding on' bit in my mix I think. The intro works ok for me in the ref mix.


RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - mikej - 20-04-2020


Had another go at this. Added mix 2.0 to original post.


RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - ThomasStevenson - 24-04-2020

Hi Mike - listened to 2.0 - so much better to my ears. Key point - I am hearing the occassional crackle - something in the mix chain? A key thing to sort out for sure, as it does detract from an otherwise solid mix. If you were mixing it for me, I think the feedback I would give you at this point (and these are getting more minor):

- Kick definition and bass guitar definition. Something just a touch muddy with the kick - perhaps the bass too, but harder to tell.
- Lead vocal - lots to like - just maybe missing a touch of level and high end / air to help it stand out.

Otherwise, lots to like here



RE: Updated - Nerve 9 - Living Lie 2.0 - mikej - 24-04-2020


Many thanks for reviewing my 2nd attempt. It does take a reasonable amount of time and effort to do detailed mix reviews, and it's much appreciated. I really am learning a huge amount from mixing this.

Occasional Crackle:

I am obviously very concerned at this. I don't know if you are able to give the times where you are hearing problems, as it would really help my detective work.

From your comments I feel it should be quite obvious but I seem to be struggling a bit. I have noted down some spots where there could be a noise issue, but I am not sure they would match up with what you describe exactly.

Kick & Bass: Yes, I think generally I can let things get a bit muddy in the bass and low mids, so I am sure I can do some cleanup there. I realised this yesterday whilst practicising on a different mix, when I came back to it after a short break.

Lead Vocal: Thanks - I was wondering if it was a touch low.

I've been struggling a bit, generally, with getting a good mix balance. I've been working at it a bit more since the 2.0 mix. From reading around and getting some ideas, I think I have come up with a simple strategy that might help me out a bit in this regard. We shall see... Getting a good volume balance is so important.

Thanks again for the detailed comments. They really have helped me a lot to work on the many mixing issues that I have. It's encouraging that my 2.0 mix is heading in the right direction. I still feel it is in me to do much better though.
