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Adam Buckley: Drag Me Down - Donner Claus Mix
Overall it's good
here are my observations

*Drums and bass are solid the way the are for now. maybe with new tweaks you will change them but I think they are solid enough to build on top of it.
*toms could be louder just to poke through the mix better. Perhaps a cut around the 500hz area will help clean them to cut through better.
*I'm not getting the explosion I would want from those rhythm guitars if they are in mono. You should definitely use the 2 guitar tracks and pan them hard left and right. It will create space in the middle.
*Voices are very loud in comparison with the rest of the mix but I think it's more noticeable this way because they are very dry and raw sounding. You should enhance them more with eq and throw some reverb on them.
*Those lead guitars could use benefit from panning as well. don't be afraid to hard pan stuff.

Overall it's a good start. I would suggest you spread your mix more with those guitars and bring down the vocals and work with bright eq and reverb work on them. Keep it up.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adam Buckley: Drag Me Down - Donner Claus Mix - by Shul - 13-12-2018, 07:44 AM