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Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Killin Time
(05-03-2024, 12:38 PM)ERJEE Wrote: Hi! your mix sound quite smashed (especially the drums). I think when you dial back the compressors and EQ out a bit of the low mids your mix will breathe more!

Hey thanks so much for the feedback. There's not much compression to be honest, just on the snare, overheads, bass, lead guitar and vocals. Maybe 1-2db on the master bus. That's it. 
But I was going for a warmer, gooier vibe with this mix and maybe I've over done it, but this is definitely the direction I wanted to go in.

Cleaner more sterile mixes don't interest me so much these days. I used to (check the mix I did of Fytakyte's Bitter). 

Again, maybe I over did it? Or maybe if I clean it up some more there's a way I can have my cake and eat it too?
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RE: Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Killin Time - by Quathamer - 06-03-2024, 02:30 AM