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Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Liquid Crutch
Apparently we see things differently.

Quathamer Wrote:nobody cares what you like because you're acting like a bit of a twat.


It's all about whether others like it or not. If people like your mix it's a good mix, if people don't like your mix it's most likely a bad mix. It's very simple. This is why I always say whether I like a mix or not, because we can talk about thousand aspects of it on 30 pages and in the end of the day that's all that matters. To me it's of the highest importance to state that, because some mixes can have obvious issues and you can still like them, so sometimes it can get a bit tricky. 

I understand why some people don't like my comments, it's because I don't say stuff like "Hey man, I think your mix is a bit overcompressed, maybe you should check if your master processing isn't killing the dynamics" -sorry this isn't me

I said I didn't like it and specifically explained why. I also added what it sounds like to me.

This is more than enough to build on. What I suggest you do now is you check whether the feedback you received is true or not. If it's true and you can hear the mentioned issue you work on it, if it's bullshit you just ignore my comment and that's it, you move on.

If somebody values being nice and encouraging over feedback straight to the point that you can potentially improve on, i'm just not gonna comment on their mixes ever again, so if that makes you feel better you just got rid of me Big Grin  If your passion for mixing/will to improve/whatever reason you're here/ isn't high enough you need people from the community to support you in what you do I'm afraid even kind words won't help in the long run. Also keep in mind that it takes [song lenght time] usually times x3 to give it a few listens and another 10 or whatever minutes to write a comment so please appreciate that. And yes please don't pick on my words, in this case it took me like 2, because I simply had nothing else to say Smile

It also took me like 30 mins to write this message which should be another sign that I -somewhat- "care"

If this approach isn't acceptable in here I kindly ask a moderator reading this to tell me, so we can avoid arguments in the future or me potentially getting banned lol.

Quathamer Wrote:even the really good engineers that I've worked with will never say a bad word about anyone or their work.

Yeah unfortunately I can relate to this one, it's a thing in my area too. But I didn't take me long to realize those are people either without taste or doing that behind your back. Usually the second one.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Liquid Crutch - by vovolan - 06-06-2023, 11:00 AM