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Cage (BCS Mix)
Haven't been around this site for quite a while, and it's good to be back! This is serves as a very warm welcome. A lot has changed, I recently moved to Reaper from Logic (my macbook kinda bottlenecked, hindering my skill), and this is my very first time using fancy analog plugins, Slate Digital! I've never had this much fun mixing in a long time. Very eye opening, and humbling experience. Those who say it's not about the plugin, but the mixer, you're very much wrong lol. Analog is sought after, even after the disruption of digital age, for a reason, that's coming from me who was a skeptic in this matter. They just DO sound better! I couldn't even begin to imagine how more hi-end stuff like UAD sounds.

Anyway, I digressed. Here is my mix of 'Cage' by The Black Crown. I remember mixing their another track over a year ago. Very great band, great overall production performance albeit pitchy vocals in some parts.

Hope you enjoy listening. Feel free to tell me what you think of the mix, and if you also use these type of fancy plugins this noebie would really appreciate some advice!

Update(Mix 2.5) : I back off the bass and kick a bit. That sould make the mix sound wider and a little less congested. Also trim the volume down to -10 LUFS, which is my usual mastering level, so make sure you lower the volune of the first mix a bit when comparing the two.

.mp3    Cage (BCS Mix).mp3 --  (Download: 12.11 MB)

.mp3    Cage (BCS Mix 2.5).mp3 --  (Download: 12.11 MB)

That's a really good mix!
Some things you might try to see if it work for you. The clean guitars in the beginning a bit up, they are a bit low right now to the drums. Not sure if the vocal might have a touch to much air. The distorted guitars are perhaps a little to loud in the chorus, perhaps just bring them up only in the beginning when they chime in. Those are all fine tuning things which may or may not turn for the better. Again good job!
(03-06-2020, 10:28 AM)AndyGallas Wrote: That's a really good mix!
Some things you might try to see if it work for you. The clean guitars in the beginning a bit up, they are a bit low right now to the drums. Not sure if the vocal might have a touch to much air. The distorted guitars are perhaps a little to loud in the chorus, perhaps just bring them up only in the beginning when they chime in. Those are all fine tuning things which may or may not turn for the better. Again good job!

Yeah indeed intro guitar needs work, I basically forgot to process them at all Big Grin ! Let's agree to disagree about the rhythm guitar level, as in fact I'm actually thinking of bringing them up even more! I kinda intend to let the guitars drown out the vocals a bit, I think it fits the genre. I can see where you're coming from about the airy vocals though, I'll probably roll off some highs in the next revision.

Thanks for your input, fresh ears are always appreciated!
Update(Mix 2.5) : I back off the bass and kick a bit. That sould make the mix sound wider and a little less congested. It sohuld be a lot more mono-conpatible, too. I also fix some problems wither guitats and pich corrected some vocals. All are fine tunings really. Also trim the volume down to -10 LUFS, which is my usual mastering level, so make sure you lower the volune of the first mix a bit when comparing the two.
hi! listened 2.5. i think there's buildup between vocals and guitars in the 2kish area? or maybe its just the vocals (or their effects) just being quite strong in that area? it kind of feels 'omnipresent' throughout the stereofield, as if it were evenly present in both mid and side channels.

drums sound punchy and clean. you could ease up on the eq a bit with drums, or at least the snare crack?

to me guitars and bass sound very good. vocal tuning and effect work feels right. maybe revisit the vocal tone? overall very good, and works for me. ^_^
"Live" commenting as the V2.5 plays.
I agree with a lot of the previous comments so I wont re-hash.
Yeah, it works. It feels good. I think Gtrs 1/2 could be a little louder. Kapu mentioned easing up on the eq and I can hear what they're saying but I think they'd be fine if there was more "balance" from the first two guitars. I appreciate the clarity but for all of that attack there needs more average sound. If that makes sense. To be honest, I'm not sure if it makes sense to me and i just wrote it. The chorus and bridge feel fine. Maybe the guitars are a little bright in the chorus? I'm not sure. More vox in the bridge.

It sounds good. It might be trying a little too hard. It's kinda saying "look at me!" It could pull me in more as opposed to reaching out. Though that's probably right for the genre. Seduce me more.
Hope this helps but I get it probably doesn't. I'm not all there today. Didn't sleep great and the coffee isn't kicking in.

Oh wait, this isn't the "My Little Pony" Reddit? I'm embarrassed. Still, surprisingly, my notes stand.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Really well balanced.. I like the smack on the snare sounds pretty solid. bass and eq in on point too.. the only thing for me would be the vocals are quite mid scooped... not sure if it's in the master bus or if it's just the vocals.. it sounds more like vocals only. that's pretty much it.. good mix!!
Many listened to this composition in processing and noticed a similarity. It seems to me that at higher frequencies the sound is too dry. Too little saturation. I would also throw the pathogen at the master and work with him. Well, this is my personal opinion. I have a bad English and use a translator. By the way, greetings from Russia
Really punchy drums, they cut through nice, love the snare sound (maybe a little loud, but it smacks so who cares), lots of energy in the heavy guitars, although for my taste they are missing some growl and low end.... but great mix
Hey BCS Smile. These are my observations for the mix: Di's are bit dry, and unprocessed - same for mix 2?
I feel that the cuts done both in mixing and mastering around the mid frequencies are a bit 2 abrupt. Don't be afraid to keep mids in there, instead try to controll them with processing instead of just cutting it out, thats a way more musical aproach. It feels like there is some mid/side eq that has been a bit exadurated around there, like a cut around 800 somewhere in mid and boost at same time in sides, totally works sometimes but i think its a bit 2 much now. When refrain hits, the vox comes down a bit 2 much for me, but its not totally out of context. Still, a decent mix 2 me, just some details that needs to get adressed. gj.