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Kat Wright - Full Contact - New Mix 3
It feels as if everyone's mix solution for Contact is a consequence of the leakage into her mic. Mine is no different. There have been some very good 'solutions' posted.

Here is mine.

-13.3 LUFS, 6.8 LU

Kat Wright - Full Contact - Mix 2

I heard from several listeners whom I respect greatly that in general the mix could be brightened. Mix 2 reflects that advise. Changes were effected in Mastering only.
Let me know if this is an improvement.

-13.6 LUFS, 6.9 LU

Kat Wright - Full Contact - Mix 3

This new mix adds a modified space for the horns, re-voices the organ and the keyboards in general and lifts the voice a few db. The dynamics as the song builds towards the ending were also updated.

-12.8 LUFS; 6.5 LU
Thanks for listening and as always, comments are appreciated.
Your friend,

.mp3    Kat Wright - Contact.mp3 --  (Download: 12.38 MB)

.mp3    Kat Wright - Contact - Mix 2.mp3 --  (Download: 12.38 MB)

.mp3    Kat Wright - Contact - Mix 3.mp3 --  (Download: 12.38 MB)

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
I'm trying to find something to critique but honestly can't. It sounds really good. I really like the vocal effects. Subtle but hey support vocal. I kinda want a hair more reverb or just 'space' on the horns. Just to add some occasional excitement and surrealism. It's a very real and straightforward mix and that works really well but I wouldn't mind just some more 'air' around the horns. But that's a very minor and personal note. It's probably the best mix I've heard of this one so far so I'm nit picking so you don't get an ego.

Great job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Ooh. I'll even give you 5 stars.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(29-07-2019, 06:28 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: I'm trying to find something to critique but honestly can't. It sounds really good. I really like the vocal effects. Subtle but hey support vocal. I kinda want a hair more reverb or just 'space' on the horns. Just to add some occasional excitement and surrealism. It's a very real and straightforward mix and that works really well but I wouldn't mind just some more 'air' around the horns. But that's a very minor and personal note. It's probably the best mix I've heard of this one so far so I'm nit picking so you don't get an ego.

Great job.

Thanks, Roy. I actually spent a lot of time fiddling with the reverb send on the horns trying to get what I thought was the best balance. I felt the horns were a vital part of this song especially since they had their own break which I pumped up quite a bit into a lead position and in that vain kept the reverb moderated on them.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
(29-07-2019, 06:30 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: Ooh. I'll even give you 5 stars.

Please. No stars.

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
The vocal sounds very cool in this.
Did you double track it?
The good thing about live mixing is that you don't have to worry about how it sounds later on someone's soda can. You got your live acts, your mixing desk, your PA, and your audience that you directly connect to and you have to get it right without the possibility to fiddle with the settings afterwards.
I used Multiply by Acon Digital, so yes it is kind of a double. I used it in-line to give the vocal some spread and depth. There's a Neutrino on there and few compressors, two de-essers... Let's just say I threw a bunch of stuff at it.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
Hello mate,

Are you sure you're using the right settings on your vocal plugin? It sounds a little unnatural like its running a really tight double that is throwing the phase out of sorts. Or perhaps a really critical eq on there? Compared to the rest of the band the vocal seems a bit alien, I don't know. What are your thoughts?

**edit - I don't know, its like the guts have been pulled from it. Like the presence is gone and the tone. Its all tits and ass, no mids.
Other Mixes
Here is my vocal chain, if anyone is interested:

Input channel:
PreSonus Pro EQ (for HP/LP filtering only)
The Glue Compressor (SSL Buss type @ 2:1, .3 ms attack 60ms release) Full envelope following
Izotope Neutrino (clarity enhancement)
PreSonus De-esser (mid-band de-essing)

Vocal Buss:
Acon Digital, Multiply (5 ms in-line delay with moderate stereo spread) This is a Hass type effect for width and depth
API 550B Stereo EQ w/ a little bit of 1.5K and 250 notched out
Klanghelm MJUC Jr. Variable Tube Compressor (Just to top off the wave form)
PreSonus De-esser (for high end de-essing)

That is much more than I usually do and only because it was needed. I actually like the breathy-ness it gives her voice.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
(30-07-2019, 02:51 PM)Quathamer Wrote: Hello mate,

Are you sure you're using the right settings on your vocal plugin? It sounds a little unnatural like its running a really tight double that is throwing the phase out of sorts. Or perhaps a really critical eq on there? Compared to the rest of the band the vocal seems a bit alien, I don't know. What are your thoughts?

**edit - I don't know, its like the guts have been pulled from it. Like the presence is gone and the tone. Its all tits and ass, no mids.

Some like it, some don't. Just my approach to the leakage battles. You don't hear body in it? What is T&A then? Plus Kat has a great figure! LOL

PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]