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Will Evans - Me And My Crew (mix by EneX)
Hey guys, this one was much of fun, mainly the de-bleeding process and vocal tweaking. 
Let me know how you like the mix and make notes what you would change.

And hey, if you want de-bleeded vocal and sax tracks (done in RX8), feel free to send me a message.

.mp3    Will Evans - Me And My Crew (mix by EneX).mp3 --  (Download: 8.62 MB)

I have cleaned all tracks a bit, so the vocal can pass better

.mp3    Will Evans - Me and My Crew (mixed by EneX - clean).mp3 --  (Download: 8.62 MB)

Didn't know the song featured a Kazoo
Bass is destroying the volumes relationship. You should listen on different sources to get a better Idea. I agree the sax sounds chopped and distorting. You should reference a track on the same genre so you can get your mix in the ballpark. Stay a way from too much limiting on your master bus.
Good mix mate Smile reverb is too washy