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I'm telling you these recent uploaded songs are so hard to mix man.. but this one is a pretty chill song to mix. 
Great arrangement. 
Drums were the challenge definitely but I put my surgical gloves and carved them out best I could
Vocals have a resonating freq. but I don't have a dynamic eq in my arsenal so I just used a saturator and it worked fine getting rid of the resonating boxy sound.
anyways.. pretty close to done so let me know if you like it.

.mp3    FADE_1.mp3 --  (Download: 11.5 MB)

.mp3    FADE_2.mp3 --  (Download: 11.5 MB)


nice chilling and natural sounding mix you 've got going there. I like how you follow the scene changes of the lead guitar.

Regarding dynamic eq: There is a fully functional free (as in beer) version of TDR Nova which is nothing short of excellent.

It doesn't have to sound good to move people - David Byrne
Nice one, Shul. This must be in your wheelhouse. Doesn't really sound like you struggled with the drums at all. A couple of things I noticed were some of the secondary expressive instruments (acoustics and guitars) felt too upfront during verses and choruses. I think they could be laid off a bit and still maintain their ear-candy qualities. Also, after the break/bridge and into the guitar solos, there seems to be a loss of energy. Both of these issues are really minor. This is a very good listen. Well done.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]

Well, for me the most convincing mix to date.

I like the general atmosphere.

Having written this, I immediately move on to nitpicking: the drums are well balanced and I like the sound; however, I wonder if the missing rolls and ghost notes (snare) are necessarily necessary ( I am influenced by the original tracks and my mix). At the intro (and you are not the only one in this case) the first notes of the bass undergo a sort of vibrato which could be due to interference of another instrument not perfectly tuned (a guitar?). Funny phenomenon. And there is also one thing that troubles me: at the beginning of the text, the different accompaniment of the electric guitars gives a really swaying rhythm, it's rather ugly but it's due to the writing and design of the title. In my mix, I got around the problem in a simple way and it sounds much cooler. Well, always a matter of taste. In terms of guitars, the bends are really limited from here limit (accuracy of the note) but we make do with it. I find that in the last part of the title, the different sequences of the guitar solos are a little under-mixed and the rhythm guitars (perfect in the speudo metal transition) are a little invasive. That's all for today and
Cheers !

Thanks for the input guys. There is not much change in version 2 just a more refined and polished eq, compressor, and some fx tweaks. I also spreaded some tracks a bit more and messed with the back vocals for more clarity as they were getting too masked in the high intensity of the song.
Good effort in this V2 but it remains timid. Convinced that you could have a "better" result..
Yeah, I listened to a couple of versions (mine included) and to me this sounds great. Maybe we have similar sounding monitoring. I'm sure I could nit pick but on a casual listen, I don't have any issues.

Maybe the snare reverb could be a bit 'tamer'? I feel like we've all gone with a more 80s snare sound. I feel like the bass guitar could come back but that might be me. I'm not sure. There could be tweaks but overall it feels like a very listenable mix. Nothing bothers me.
Hi Shul, just listened to your mix 2 and the balances feel great! You gave the drums a classic rock reverb tail which works really well for me.
Maybe the vocals sometimes sound a bit thin/hollow and a bit too separated from the rest at certain (non-verse) points?

Beautiful mix, Shul! I love how clear and spacious everything is. Vocals sound superb. Guitar is perfectly judged; Drums sound perfect to my ear. Very nice work.
All 10 FytaKyte Multi-Tracks available for you to mix with purchase of Album here:
Hey Thanks!. Glad I did justice to the song. Thanks for providing the track. It was fun to mix!