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PepperMix - Toxic
Sup guys!!
Decided to mix this fun one just to not let myself get rusty at mixing hehe
Anyways, about the multitracks: What an awesome production! Punchy drums, lots (AND LOTS) of vocals, nice arrangement, so on and so forth. Really dig this song. Huge thanks to Daimon B for sharing this tune.

Went for a more "meat and potatoes" approach on this one: since every track is hyped to the extreme, I knew right away I didn't need to do much about processing or doing post production stuff.
1. Drums came out pretty "natural" , witch is kinda weird considering it's cleary programmed to the grid and it doesn't have much ghost notes.
2. Guitars were pretty hard to settle because I had to chooose between a more "gritty" tone with not so much low end or go for a softer high end letting the low end breathe a bit more, but controlled so it doesn't mask bass and vocals. Judging by the mix, y'all can cleary hear I went for the second type haha
3. Stereo bass for parts w/o guitars, mono bass to simulate an bass guitar. didn't feel much was needed
4. What an absurd amount of vocal tracks hahahahah I had to create a new project just to process them properly. After that, some basic effects like delays, reverb and a parallel distortion channel to get it to cut through the dense intrumental parts. Didn't need to do any sorta weird processing.

Anyways, I think the mix came out pretty cool!! What y'all think?

EDIT: Mix 2 edited with high end fixes, being:
1. Turning down 2dB on the Overhead track (yes, it was that easy to fix the problem Big Grin);
2. Since turing down Overheads made low end too loud, I controlled more of the bass with 2dB of compression using Kick as the sidechain (was already doing this on the "EDM parts", just to give it a bit more exctiment, but now using it for controlling low end);
3. A touch more De-Essing on vocals (2dB max) and a bit more limiting to control the loudest parts;
3. With those changes I could force my mix a bit more into the final limiter, witch makes my changes less noticeable but the mix is indeed louder (good sign!)

EDIT: Mix 3 using some Spectral Compression
Found out recently about this Spectral Compression plugin (by Robbert van der Helm), witch emulates Soothe, but it's a bit trickier to get the right settings. After correctly dialing in this badboy on the Overheads (for controling any ringing frequencies around 4-6kHz), Drum Room (remove harshness) and Master (controling the sum of sibilance + high end from the cymbals), vói-lá, now the mix is even better.

You can check out the plugin here. Be careful, though! It's a bit buggy and consumes a lot of CPU to run.

.mp3    T0xic Mix.mp3 --  (Download: 6.24 MB)

.mp3    T0xic Mix 2.mp3 --  (Download: 6.24 MB)

.mp3    T0xic Mix 3.mp3 --  (Download: 6.24 MB)


if it sounds good, do it bruh
Hey Peppermark,

Great mix, tight and nice low-end
For me, I feel there is a bit too much "air" or brittle HFs, but nonetheless it sounds nice

MacPro 5,1 - Monteret | UAD Apollo Twin | AKG - K701 | Reaper | LUNA
Balances are very solid in my opinion but I think there is too much harsh characteristics overall. I'm not sure if it's the guitars that are giving this impression or if it's your limiter that is somewhat clipping. Perhaps i've been listening to a ton of these mixes so my ears may be tired?? not sure but I think you got something good here going for it. keep it up.
(09-03-2024, 02:44 PM)filipandrei Wrote: Hey Peppermark,

Great mix, tight and nice low-end
For me, I feel there is a bit too much "air" or brittle HFs, but nonetheless it sounds nice


(11-03-2024, 01:38 AM)Shul Wrote: Balances are very solid in my opinion but I think there is too much harsh characteristics overall. I'm not sure if it's the guitars that are giving this impression or if it's your limiter that is somewhat clipping. Perhaps i've been listening to a ton of these mixes so my ears may be tired?? not sure but I think you got something good here going for it. keep it up.

Well, it looks like my high end is a bit exaggerated hahah. Oh and Shul, I am indeed going pretty hard on the final Limiter, but I'm pretty sure that's not the problem, and don't worry, your ears are ok heheh.

Gonna post a second version with the solution to this.

Thanks you guys!

if it sounds good, do it bruh
Really good mix Peppermark.
I like your approach to this mix.
Nice Lowend, and how you use your delay.
Wish I thought of that Smile
If there's anything I could think of, I'd like you to raise the guitar a little, but just a little.
But at the same time, it's a matter of taste.
Otherwise, good job
I love your mix, man, especially the beginning. Great work on getting the bass synth and the kick to agree. They sound so sweet. I am curious as to how you EQ the both (for educational purposes), if you don't mind sharing. And, of course, the snare is just awesome Smile.