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PepperMix - Still Flying
1 whole week to make this monster to work! Big Grin 

Probably it's gonna sound a bit harsh, but I have to get it out of my chest:

 - Organization is... let's just say pretty bad. some tracks are misplaced, others are out of phase with each other, plus that number of vocals tracks was unnecessary, IMO. 

 - I loved the guitar + bass tone and arrangement (and actually that was the reason I wanted to mix this song), but the drums...

 - I actually need a whole topic for talking about drums in this one. When you import these tracks, sounds pretty good, like any natural drum sound, but as soon as you start to process, problems just pile up quickly:
  . The drum shells bleeds more then a vein cut. it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to get a good metal sound with these, cause you just CAN'T boost the highs!
  . Kick sounds more like a trigger, but a very bad one, cause some hits trigger different timings in the sampler
  . This drummer is very consistent in everything but the ghost notes on the snare. these notes are really ghosty!! had a pretty nerve-wrecking experience when mixing those ghost notes

 - To work around these problems, i had to create an specific project dedicated to sampling drums. after getting the PERFECT settings, i had to automate almost ALL variations and fills in the song, (that also applies to the snare ghost notes, witch i automated the snare top to trigger the gate on the snare as a whole, and automated the snare bottom volume to get lower in the parts where ghost notes were executed, cause the snare would just sound "boxy" if i didn't)

 - After all this nightmare ended, had to start mixing for real, and... found out there was more editing to do, because some (and by these track's standards I mean A LOT) hits were out phase with the samples

 - Then it's vocals time!! But I do mean TIME, cause I spent like half-hour just organize the vocals in a organized way.

 - But hey! Now is time to mix this song and... it's hard! Lots of stuff happening every section, and balancing them was really difficult (i still think my mix lacks depth, though it has a lot of energy).

In the end of the day, when I hit play... OMG what a journey. really nice song, I should say. Modesty aside, I did like my mix a lot (Though this version witch I'm posting is "a bit" mastered). Give it a listen and nitpick the way you prefer!!

Brazillian cheers for y'all,

.mp3    Still Flying.mp3 --  (Download: 10.54 MB)


if it sounds good, do it bruh
Hey Peppermark,

It sounds nice, I remember it is a pain in the "bottom" to mix this one
For my liking I would prefer a bit more body to the snare, but nonetheless it sounds good

Nice one
MacPro 5,1 - Monteret | UAD Apollo Twin | AKG - K701 | Reaper | LUNA
Love it!! Super aggressive sounding (which fits!).
Awesome upfront vocals

sounding great!!
-Pro Tools
nice smack on the snare. I think kick needs to come down it's louder than vocals at points or at least it feels like it's louder than vocals.