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Full Version: Slow Down [Mixed By Mange] Poll Experiment
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This got a bit lengthy. Please read it through. Especially the poll stuff.

About the poll

Hello fellow mixers. Been here a while I notice that mixes do get listened to but more rarely commented. I´m there myself, listening but not commenting. Not nativly talking english myself it do take some time to post a decent reply. Wish people used the polls a little more often. But then, polls are even more seldom replied to. So what to ask for in a poll then? I have given it some thought and come up with following.

I would like you to wear either the artist or the producers (as well as the mixers) hat. Pretend that you sent me the multitrack for mixing and now you have a mix replied. What do you feel?
1: Wow, this is way below my expectations. I'll drop him a mix note but don't expect anything. Good I sent the tracks elsewere too. Or...
2: Yeah, this ain´t bad, not quite there yet. hmm, I´ll drop him some mix notes with what I want changed. Or...
3: Here, take my money. The mix is done and I´ll pay you what we previously agreed upon.

With this poll I get a hint on how far from ready the mix is.
Goal is to by the second or third revision have at least some of you buying.
Please note. It is now possible to cancel your vote and put it elsewhere as mix progresses.

So, don´t I want comments? Sure I do but don´t feel that you need to write me a novel. If anything... post a reference tip like. -I like the vocals of Surfin' Bird with The Trashmen. Can you get me there? A single line is enough. I´ll leave the mix alone for a couple of days returning with a revised version from your comments.

Maybe some of you get hung up on the buy thing... what amount of cash? Well, the quality of the sourcetracks tells you that.

If you feel this is a good idea. Please copy and try it yourself.

About the mix

Here's my mix of Slow Down. I really like this song but... To me it doesn't sound like the song is ready yet. The start of the song isn't that good. In my opinion the song would benefit from some kind of breakdown/bridge or a nice guitar solo from the great guitar player. Sure it's a live recording but that doesn't take away that I feel that the song isn't yet ready for mixing. Don't get me wrong, I really like it and can't wait to hear an official version on Spotify.

The dynamics of the vocalist was a nightmare to me. It's like everywhere between searching the lyricsheet to belting it out as a true soul diva. Don't know if she's unfamiliar with the telefunken microphone or if her monitor is way off. I'd say she hear herself too well "whispering" and isn't afraid to rip her head off belting it out. Very well, she can clearly singSmile
I tried a new thing on the lead vocals that I think worked out great. Added a multiband compressor just working the lower frequencies. That way it didn´t take out the bottom end of her voice when she stepped away from the mic but worked it when she got closer. At least that was my intension. That way I could go easier on the lowcut filter.

Drumming is overall performed very nice. The first thumps aren't 100%. It's fixable but I didn't care. There are also some snare hits that aren't spot on kickdrum but again... Good enough. (i wish my drummer was half this good) Did some minor automation to the hihat. Didn´t use all mics.

Bass, only used the DI version. Fed it to an amp sim that came with Studio One. Forgot about it Smile

Guitar, had some spring reverb printed on it that I didn´t like very much. Have a gentle gate to lower the tail.

B-Vox, Heavily filtered. Gently tuned with Melodyne. Don´t feel comfortable tuning. Hammering the keyboards myself I have never been forced to tune my synth, ever.

Piano, thinned out.
Have been returning to this track a couple of times. Tweaked some stuff here, tweaked some stuff there. The result is hopefully my final mix of this track. Suggestions is as always wanted. Unintentionally "print 2" got a bit louder. Sorry 'bout that.
Nice 70's disco sounding mix !
the only thing that jumps out to me is the kick has a lot of 400-800 hz frequencies but suits the mix.
It reminds me of a great 70's disco song Big Grin.
That kick has a lot of everything! Never seen a kick like it on my frequency analyser. I'll look into the kick eq if it comes to a print 3. Thanks for feedback.
Real nice mix. Great instrument separation and clarity. Really like what you did with the lead vocals (I struggled with that). You've been able to tame the wild vocal dynamics, keep it nice and 'up front' and not blow my head off when she belts it out. Great job on that.

I just went through the (so far) 244 entries and 8 years later and this mix still stands up among the top. Great work!

Mixed By Ivica Doksas with Brainworx bx console SSL 4000 E on every tracks. Regards.