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Hello! Any comments and suggestions are welcome!
Yo Andreas!

Great balance overall, The Kick might sidechain a bit too harsh on everyhing else, would like to hear a version with a bit less sidechaining! Smile
Decreasing the Vocals would also make the Mix seem more together, as the Vocals are a bit too up-front in this Mix. I am not sure what the others think, but that's all I can tell.

Great effect on the Noise-Track! Detail is key in my older uploads, as they lack of creativity quite a bit to be fair.
Would like to see a second version with said things in mind!
Thank you very much for your advice! Here is my new version with some changes on the kick side-chain and vocals!
Hey again,

I see that it's a bit more balanced now. However, I do feel that the Sidechain should be at least removed from the Piano itself, it sounds "overcompressed" otherwise. Apart from that, the vocals fit in better now. Not sure if it's still objective to say that the vocals still sounds a tad to loud, but that's up to you to decide now. If you're glad with it, I think it should stay as is.

By any chance, can you tell us what monitors you are using at the moment? Smile
Hello again! Here is the version 3 with the last changes in piano and vocals. I hope you will like it. I think that you were right about all of your suggestions and I would like to thank you! Now about the monitors that I use those are a pair of KRK rokit 5 generation 2, but I would like someday to upgrade my home studio with KRK VXT6 or VXT8.
No problem, that is what this forum is supposed to be for. Smile
Took another listen to your Mix and it definitely sounds more balanced now - I'd keep it as is.
One tip I can give you by listening to this Mix is to value subtractice-EQing more than additive-EQing.
You might know about this, but I suggest you ( and anybody else who hears this for the first time ) to check out some videos about it.
~Worth it!~

I'm looking forward to seeing your Mixes on the upcoming tracks as my album "Oculus Within" will be released on the 27th this month.
The next batch of multi-tracks includes the first of 3 tracks that Mike will get, I hope you'll give it a try as well. Smile

Sidenote: Funny, I also have a pair of KRK rokit 5s, gen 3 however. Great monitors, no regrets. /advertisement
I know what you mean about the subtractive eqing and this is how I equalize always on live situations. Now when I mix on my home studio I try both subtractive and additive eq in order to get the sound that I like. I would like very much to hear your new songs and mix them. I will wait!! Smile
No worries, I did not mean to criticize the way you've been EQing - I also use(d) a combination of subtractive and additive EQing (in the upcoming Album),
though I must admit that I have used more subtractive than additive EQing indeed.
Wonderful concept and as long as you can get the sound you want without having to worry about overdoing it, this is probably the best approach. Smile

Sidenote: The first Track will be indeed in this months upload. If it will be before release or after release is uncertain to me,
but either way is alright in my opinion - The quicker it's uploaded the quicker people can get to mix it after all.
Hope you'll like the Album, looking forward to checking out your mixes! Wink