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Full Version: Daimon B - Toxic
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Great and straightforward production, but challenging to make place for each instrument
Let me know what you think

Edit (v1 R02) 07.04.2024
- Changed the snare sample ( tried a deeper one. )

Great mix my dude!

Really liked how the 2nd snare sample sounded. indeed the original one is a bit too high in tuning IMO.

I think you didn't low pass guitars since the high end resonances are still there. they do get masked when the drums are playing, but when it's not, guitars become a bit harsh, but that's pretty easy to fix hehe

TBH, if I were to change anything, it would be adding some air to your snare sample, but that's more because I love snares being the forefront of the drum sound.

Great job!!
Hey Peppermark,

Thanks for listening and for your feedback.
Yeah, for the second snare ( and the first one ), I feel I could lift that a bit with some "air" frequencies.
I usually low-pass my guitars pretty "heavy" but I think I've overcompensated at some point with some more 6K+
