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Third attempt. I can't make this one work. I'm blaming this lingering Covid. My earbuds might be dying. And the room is a bit chilly so I can't seem to focus. Also, I suck. Once all that gets sorted I bet I can make good go of this one. Unmastered for the most part besides trying to get it at a listenable level.

Edit: Added new version (Mix4b) for some reason....
You do not suck!!!. there is greatness in what you have done thus far...I spent a long time listening to reference tracks for the type of genre I was mixing.; how loud was the kick etc , doing this for each element. then how are they sounding in the speaker image , then are they dry and upfront or effects.
take all those things and try to copy them. set the reference track the same volume as your mix when listening and comparing both..
you will never get things to sound the same as the preview track of any mastered version of this song. the point is not to
copy the preview but to listen to what elements they have chosen as their main elements; and see how you could improve the mix; maybe the organ sound you think might need to be louder etc. one rule of thumb I use is too chose your 3 main elements for this song and never allow anything to mask those elements, work the rest of the elements around them or blend them using eq and compression ,never over cut of boooooooost the Eq ,think about making those elements sound natural ;not in solo but combined with the rest of the tracks. there are rule for the type of genre we mix ; metal music the kick is loud and has a click cutting through. jazz kick soft like a pillow, etc that is where reference tracks for the genre we mix is useful.

I hope this might be useful , keep on keeping on .
Hi Roy!
Feels pretty solid. it seems to me that u'r approach in the mix were to make it more rock with a touch of modern metal, i said that for how the drums sounds and the big presence of them along the track. i like the loudness. cheers!
(24-02-2024, 07:09 PM)Unknow Mixer Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Roy!
Feels pretty solid. it seems to me that u'r approach in the mix were to make it more rock with a touch of modern metal, i said that for how the drums sounds and the big presence of them along the track. i like the loudness. cheers!
Thanks for listening. I wasn't going for a metal sound but I tend to overdo things so maybe the drums were a bit too processed.
Added new version to the OP
Nice mix revision 4. Brilliant , such a massive difference to first mix. watch low end on this one as bass clashes with main guitars , you have capture the energy . nice placement and balance of elements . if you add a bit more top on bass and roll off bass subs a bit about 60 k ;then rebalance the bass to kick then bass can cut through more at the top when all elements are playing.
nice consistent vocals.
great work, good reference to build your other tracks from.

Keep on keeping on
I think these are quite good! Good balance, good clarity!

I would try:
- Kick and hi-hats somewhere between versions 3c and 4b (although I like the tone of the kick in 4)
- main vocal: whatever clarification step you did from 3 -> 4, try one more similar step further ("5"); then decide, whether compared to that main vocal, background vocals are good as they were version 4, or maybe you want to clarify background vocals as well to 5, or maybe just 4.5.
- highlight the nice guitar solo @ 2:45 just a little a bit more, at least in its first half when it is still embedded into other instruments... the second half (where less instruments are under it) is already loud enough
- similarly, the organ is only really "visible" before the main vocal starts... so I would highlight the organ a little bit more than in 4, in the beginning... at other places I like the organ's balance in 4

But these are small details. I like the overall balance!
Listening to 4B, and I am bopping right along with the song. Good sounds throughout and valid balance and tone choices. Works for me, Roy. Very listenable.
Awesome. Thanks for listening everybody.
Hi Roy. Just listening the last version. Feels better, the drums feels right in the track that the previous one (at least to me) in the intro part in some impacts of the snare i can hear a double hit, it's maybe a sample that u used? don't know it hears a bit strange. the vox i think in some "S" pronunciation in the first lines a can feel it a bit harsh. but in general feels good the track, this are minor aspects. Hope u find now ok. Cheers!
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