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Full Version: The Cross Roads by Franz
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Here is my contribution to the building. I am a little intrigued by the fact that many mixes and especially the original mix are very "loud" with unusual technical criteria (positive Truepeak for example) which makes the general sound close to saturation and bordering on aggressiveness. . People will answer me: the title must have “punch”. OK, but is this the only possible approach?
You raise an interesting question, Franz. I think a simple answer is no, but. There is certainly a lot of aggression built into this song by its arrangement, tempo, lyric structure, etc., so adding aggression by saturation or other means might be appropriate for a mix of this song. The how and why of that is always up for debate. There is a mix on here with very aggressive buss or mastering compression which causes pumping, but in my opinion, it was used musically and added a little something to the 'building' as you call it. No right no wrong. I've run through several iteration of my mastering with and without crush and both have interesting qualities. Most important though is how it relates to and supports the timbre of the song.
Very interesting answer. Your thoughts are very concise. Ultimately the subject is above all an artistic choice rather than a technical display. Currently in certain musical genres, the mixes are often very aggressive without really apparent reasons linked precisely to the genres. In fact it is indeed a question of taste and color, knowing that these two criteria, precisely, do not discuss. It's a (speudo) musical trend that has developed over the last decade, visibly heir to the "lousness war". 
So I maintain my position regarding my mix, the multitracks provided do not lead to an aggressive mix (what would a B3 do in this story ?), and, as I wrote, I don't like the original mix at all. If you want an artistic result like "it rocks everything" you have to compose and record the tracks in another way and with other instruments and arrangements.