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Another gem from SSS. Great production and great performances giving us a wonderful opportunity to create something fun.
I had a blast with the bass guitar especially. I was a little confused about the accent vocals and the embedded effects on them, but once I began pushing the mix harder, they began to find their proper place. 
This song has a plethora of allusory tidbits in it which made me smile and attracted me to this work. Kudos to the artist here. 

Surprisingly, there is not an inordinate amount of compression on my mix. Certainly, there is plenty on individual tracks in the drums like kick and snare and toms, overheads and rooms and some parallel compression on the drum buss. The bass has just a touch on the buss. The guitars, which comprise several subgroups, have a little tone-based compression, but nothing slammed. The vocals are more aggressively compressed in several stages between lead and several background subgroups. The master buss has a just a touch of Tubetech on it and a limiter to catch the odd peak. 
Mastering was done with the Abbey Road TG Mastering chain with some tape saturation (NAB 7.5 ips), some sweetening EQ in M/S mode to balance upper mids between the mid and sides. A touch of presence was added in the low mids and the image widened just a nudge to open things up slightly. The limiter was used just to add some fill and punch to an already transient production.

This song hits a lot of good places for me: genre, tempo, instrumentation, power, melodic and harmonic content...
I hope I was able to produce something which adds to the song as the artist envisioned (or didn't).  Smile

Mix well and mix often...