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Full Version: My Mix of this tune
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Hey folks,
below you find the mix I did for "Though My Eyes".
Hey Der_Landvogt,

I really like the balance of the instruments in the mix

For my taste there is too much low end reverb tail, especially on the snare.
Also for the snare there is too much "boxiness" frequencies, and the pre-delay is a bit much, making it sounding too far (somehow out of the song).
The reverb works nicely for the snare stick parts, but not so on the hits (although it doesn't seem to be the same, but I might be wrong)

But this is a great start

Hey filipandrei,
thx for your feedback. I agree, everything is a bit "wet". And I also agree that the snare sound has some boxiness to it. But for some reason I really like the massive snare reverb. I can see why it's a bit much for some but I dig it Smile
The snare reverb is the same throughout the whole song. I only automated the send quite a bit.