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I'm a Full Sail grad with 5+ years of mixing experience.

Didn't really spend too much time on this one, probably not the best I could have done but it's something.
Kick and Toms were replaced, but the Snare is real. Drums were tough to work with. I really don't like bleed, and I found these tracks to have a lot of it. I even tried using drumatom at the attempt of using all the real drums but I felt like it was becoming too much work. For anyone who mixed all of the real drums, I'm impressed. 

I can see why people had trouble with the vocals. I used waves vocal rider going into JST gain reduction 2 then used some EQ/multiband.

I used the original guitar tones, nothing was simmed. I did have to use some compression on some of the tracks. The gain staging was all over the place for some of the guitars. I did what I could.

Tell me your thoughts!  Smile