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Good song id like ppl to cry when they lie too be a diff world

Feedback is appreciated and given back
Tonally it feels pretty good. Overall it feels pretty static and 'safe'. I think the melody parts like the bass and the funky chorus guitar could come up a bit. Otherwise it's pretty staccato, arrangement wise and those parts could help it move along better. After that I think it could just catch the ear more. Maybe more verb on some parts. The vocal could come in a little stronger at the top of the 1st verse. It feels shy. Other than that it works.

Hope that helps.
I pretty much agree with Roys comment here and quite enjoyed the 1st mix. In saying that, I'm not a big fan of the extra reverb introduced in the second mix. As well as your other improvements, I'm wondering if it's worth just trying to add some tasteful atmospheric reverb to the drum bus alone and gel that into what you have. An overall use of reverbs here I think could still have a roll to play, but just as a lesser effect. A glue if you like. It's worth a try I reckon.
Yeah, I think the second mix is an improvement but that reverb tends to extend to long. It feels like it's in too large a space. I think a shorter reverb that plays into the grove more might work. Like Dangerous said, tasteful atmospheric reverb on the drums could work to gel things together. I tend not to process the drum bus though it might work on this one. I tend to add it to just the snare and find that defines the space enough while keeping the drums a little more clean. I think in the end the arrangement of the song is a plodding and needs something to to enhance the groove and help accentuate the parts by contrast.
nice mix Wink