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Full Version: Better Way (Feedback on Mix)
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Hey everyone,

So I decided to practice my mixing skills using this track. I was hoping for some feedback on how I can make this better.

I compared my mix (which is UNMASTERED btw) with the preview track. I noticed mines was a bit more on the high end compared to the preview track.

Is there a right way of mixing tracks like these or is it really just "preference". I'm more biased to the high end which is probably why my track sounded like that.

Also, i checked my Levels and my LUFS(I). I was around -0.1dB to 0dB on my Levels and averaging around -9 on my LUFS. Is that okay in the industry's standard?

Would love to hear your feedbacks!!
I think your dynamic mix and spatiality, and your master is very saturated. regards Sad
It seems like it breaks up or is too saturated at the mast bus? From what I can tell, everything else seems to sit well in the mix though. Nice job once you get that cleaned up.