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Full Version: Starnes And Shah Prodigal - By Bruno Mends
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Starnes And Shah Prodigal - By Bruno Mends
Ugh. I had a whole write up about this mix that I lost. I'm too lazy to write it again. Here are the main points.
-It's a good mix. It sounds nice and fits the style of song.
-Bass level seems right on. Most mixes have it too loud. My mix included. And while I think the song can work with a louder bass this feels like the proper level for it.
-The cymbals could come up a bit. The toms are occasionally loud. Especially the floor. I know you just have the overheads to work with and balance the toms and cymbals with. You might try some automation or low-mid eq you tame the floor tom a bit.

Good work.
Thanks Roy for listening!