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Full Version: My Mix, Critiques Wanted :)
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My Mix and take on this song. I'm still pretty new to mixing but wanted to take it to the next level by practicing a lot more.

Since this was on the go, I did this mix solely on my headphones but all types of critiques are welcome. I welcome all types of critiques as I am trying to improve. Please lay it all on me. Thanks Smile
Sounds pretty good listening on headphones at the moment ,maybe bring the vocal up a touch Big Grin !
Hi Palladium and welcome!

A good mix coming along here!

Things to look at would be the vocal level, as TheDon has already mentioned. They need to be a bit more up front. The "never good enough" in the first verse, in particular, is getting lost. A simple boost in volume may be sufficient, however some automation may be required to have them sitting at a constant relative level across the various parts of the song as the volume of the music rises and falls.

The heavy percussion that kicks in during the chorus is also masking out the bass part of the fuzzy bass synth and the kick a bit (a common problem with a lot of mixes of this song). Roll off a bit of bottom end (shelving EQ or gentle HPF) out of the loop and this will allow the percussion to stay present without overpowering the low end.

Hope this helps!


Sorry for the slow response! Ah I was thinking of taking out some of the extra percussion during the chorus but I wanted to try to keep it in there as a challenge for the mix as the music that I mix involves heavy drumming and lots of things going on. But those are some nice ideas of rolling off the bottom

I wouldn't have thought about increasing the volume, thought it was fine but i guess that's just me.

Thanks for the helpful advice I appreciate Smile
I like the mix very much, considered is a headphone mix i am pretty impressed!
I dont found the vocals low on level , they need some presence maybe on 2-3 kh area and in general more eq process, bat the level is fine (at least for me).
Good work!