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Full Version: Angels In Amplifiers "I'm Alright" (HERON MIX)
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Hi everyone. I have discovered this website a while ago. I had already done some attempts at mixing with other songs, but I wasn't satisfied with the result.
I have tried this one, and I'm very proud of the result. I think what helped is that it is recorded very well with very minimal to no bleeding.

Curious to know your feedback!
It sounds good, and Like you said it was recorded very well. Couple things IMO you could have panned out some of the instruments to give them their own space. The piano is completely lost in the mix. In my 2nd mix of this song I made the Main acoustic and the piano the meat of the music panning one about 9 and the other about 3 it seemed to work well. I panned the second acoustic out far right and the Electric far left and automated it back in the center when he soloed. Vocals could stand to be more out front but that is not a huge issue and an easy enough fix.
Hi thanks for the feedback!
Yesterday I thought of other improvements I could give to the track, after reading your input I thought of changing some other things.
I have panned the two guitars a little harder, and I added automation to bring the eguitar nearer when it is soloing. The classical guitar I prefer to keep it at the center. It seems to me that it was intended to be a sort of alternative in absence of the voice, so it made sense to keep it there.

The piano was lost in the mix on purpose... I just don't like the sound. It's too digital and "fake". The mood song is very folksy, and a sound like that didn't fit very well with the overall vibe of the song, so I initially made it into a sort of "pad". I added distortion, cut away lows and highs, put some reverb and detuning (like a honky tonk piano) and I put it loud enough so that its presence would be perceptible. I tried to bring it more at the center reducing the stereo image I had created and I recovered some of the transient. It's still far in the back though!

I have increased the volume of the main vocals to have them more in front of the mix, as well as the backing vocals, that I put far in the panning.
I also heightened the volume of the percussions that I found almost inaudible in my original version.

I really like the folky vibe you are going for just go ahead and mute the piano it will serve you better.

- Check your high-end! (1.46) Piercing frequency
- Bring the main guitar forward (Less reverb and also reverb predelay)
- Bring the drums & percussion down it does not let the rest of the instruments shine
- Vocals to compressed for a "folky" vibe, which I am understanding you are going for

Have fun mixing!
