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The balance is pretty good,for me the mix is a little thin sounding.
The kick could could have a bit more meat and the guitars a bit more cut to them
I dont like all the delay on the vox they sound a bit all over the place and i think the lead
vox could do with a bit of automation here and there.
OK. First off you'd ought to fix the drum triggering issue. It doesn't sound very convincing when snares get triggered from kick leakage.

Then there's out of phaseness in the guitars: two mics of a guitar panned to both sides are out of phase with each other, resulting this super-wide (in an 80s way) sound and complete disappearance when listened in mono.

Finally either the vocal or the full mix compression is little off. The chorus sounds smaller than the verses. If the issue exists in the lead vocal compressing, use slower attacks and faster releases, if it's the mix bus compression being "wrong", simply use less.

Only after these issues are solved we can start to see where this mix can be taken.
Thank you for your comments friends, for me it is very important that in the future I will consider I have them! Thank you again!
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