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Full Version: Through my Eyes - Jay Menon, headphone mix
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I did this mix on my Editors Keys Studio Series ANX-10 (Noise cancelling, that's probably not the first thing people will grab to mix on!) headphones in garageband with stock plugins. Smile
My other editor keys headphones
(which were very cheap, had a great frequency response - especially considering the price - and lasted me 2,5 years until the cable broke)
were broken for a couple of months already, not trying to advertise here, just explaining a little why I tried to mix solely on headphones.

I left some tracks untouched like the percussion tracks, some of the guitars and the pianos. I liked the warmth of the bass but I tried to up it a notch by using a bass enhancer/exciter as to me it seems that always makes the bass that little bit clearer on small speakers in a way I prefer. (Ok, I also checked on my laptops speakers, the rest was on the headphones.)
I carved out quite some around 395 Hz on the overheads, 400 Hz is usually my aiming point in 'boxiness-like' sounds on whole drum kits.
And I matched the kick drum and bass guitar a little by cutting and boosting around the same frequency ranges.

I added a lot of low-midrange around 200 Hz to the first two guitars to enhance the warmth.
High-pass on the pads, cymbals, etc.
Tried to reduce some boxiness/nasal in the voice although I believe the voice already sounded very nice and I also tried to make it a little more upfront, even with the amount of reverb, by adding around 2600 Hz.

I automated some tracks:
° to add reverb to one solo-like guitar track which I didn't EQ as I liked the tone/timbre and place of the instrument already from the start. I do automated the panning so it kind of creates the illusion that he guitarist is moving on the small stage. (I had in my head.)
° make the vocals and pad 3 move in comparison to each other, which also share the same kind of reverb
° add reverb to piano 2 on a certain moment, so it stands out for a brief moment

Is the delay on the vocals at the end to much, I kind of use it as an effect, it creates both a little depth as a chorus-like effect?