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Full Version: Darkride Burning Bridges
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Well after i started mixing i read the info on it, as a guitar player I get that having your sound is important so i didnt poke any holes in it, just a little hp/lp. I love my kemper too btw.
Somethings wrong with your compressor on the vocals or the 2bus. You can hear it clamping down the mix several times.

019: "I" in "I won't crawl" is really clamped down
0:36 "Burn those witches" - I can't even hear the first 2 words.

It's way too much. Don't push your compressor that hard.

two more things:
- The delay on the vocals in the solo is annoying
- And making a choir louder then a guitar solo is a bad decision. the choir is there to support the solo. not to replace it.
Thanks for giving it a listen, i think i was able to take a step back and re think those vocals, I clearly didnt understand the choir part, and the delay was just me goofing around, i just dug it a little too much.

I gave it another shot.