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Together Alone Tyranopoulos' MIx
No worries, I did not mean to criticize the way you've been EQing - I also use(d) a combination of subtractive and additive EQing (in the upcoming Album),
though I must admit that I have used more subtractive than additive EQing indeed.
Wonderful concept and as long as you can get the sound you want without having to worry about overdoing it, this is probably the best approach. Smile

Sidenote: The first Track will be indeed in this months upload. If it will be before release or after release is uncertain to me,
but either way is alright in my opinion - The quicker it's uploaded the quicker people can get to mix it after all.
Hope you'll like the Album, looking forward to checking out your mixes! Wink

Messages In This Thread
RE: Together Alone Tyranopoulos' MIx - by Skelpolu - 17-02-2015, 01:57 PM