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Perpetual Escape - 'Roots of Mankind' - Sonic Particle Studios
(27-12-2016, 11:47 PM)Mandubien Wrote: Hi there ! I'm Perpetual Escape's drummer, and I mixed the original album.

As others noticed, the kick is wayyyyyyyyy (I mean, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :p ) too loud ! It's so disturbing that I barely can focus on the rest.

I like the female vocal treatment. The guitars sound great as well, very in the way Greg (PE's guitarist) like them.
My snare drum is pretty tight. I guess some sample enhancement can help to make it sound bigger.

If your monitoring system can not be totally trust, you better reference like crazy. For our music, I would suggest some Creed or Alter Bridge materials.

Keep it up Smile

Whahhh! I can't say enough how cool it is that the original mix engineer AND drummer took the time to listen to my mix! Thank you so much! With your input I guess I can definitely confirm that the kick is much much too far forward and the snare could use some tweaking.

I'll be sure to put your suggestions for references next to my mix when I get back home. ^_^

Thanks again!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Perpetual Escape - 'Roots of Mankind' - Sonic Particle Studios - by Sonic_Particle - 28-12-2016, 12:00 AM