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Perpetual Escape - 'Roots of Mankind' - Sonic Particle Studios
(27-12-2016, 04:44 PM)MixingInTheBedroom Wrote: It might be your monitoring or the reference tracks you chose. What tracks are you using as a reference? If you don't use any, and if you are relying on your instinct for balancing, it might be your personal taste, hence balancing the song this way. (This sometimes happens to me also, I sometimes like the mix I did, but people would be quite critical about it, the reason is sometimes quite personal, sometimes it's monitoring, but I find that sometimes because of my exhausted ears that made me balance songs in slightly wrong way. (Reference tracks may help in this case quite massively. You can always know where to go.)

Nevertheless, I liked your mix.

XP It's definitely my monitoring. My cans and buds don't give me as much low end information as I really need. Then again, I also didn't use references. XD So I'm guilty there. But as is, with a couple of extra ears on my mix, it seems that the biggest fouls are the super loud kick and the weak snare. I'll probably wait til I get back home to make more tweaks, lest I exhaust myself of the song. I've already made 3 revisions as is.

Appreciate you having a listen!

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RE: Perpetual Escape - 'Roots of Mankind' - Sonic Particle Studios - by Sonic_Particle - 27-12-2016, 11:57 PM