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Another very assured mix, this, and it's good to hear a smoother and more laid-back version of this tune than the one I did for Mix Rescue. In a sense, this is a better preview of what's actually on the multitrack than my mix is, given that I did quite a bit of editing and added that new piano part.

It's also interesting that you've chosen to use all the ad lib and backing vocal tracks pretty much as is, because the band supplied those more as raw material, rather than as a pre-packaged vocal arrangement. On one level I have to say I quite like hearing them all again, but on balance I do still think being a bit more selective with them might actually serve the music better in terms of connecting the lead vocal more directly with the listener.

By leaving the guitars generally more understated, you've focused attention on the drums and lead vocal, which isn't a bad move at all, and (as usual with your mixes it seems) I like a lot of the sounds you've created in general. The effects use is again assured and effective, and you managed to envelope the whole production with a kind of warm blanket, without washing anything out or distancing anything unduly -- all good.

The main fly in the ointment as far as I'm concerned is the main chorus guitar sound, which not only has a sound that seems too soft and pillowy to support the drums and vocals there, but also appears to have some kind of 'outside the speakers' stereo widener effect on it which destroys the part in mono. Those tracks were the biggest problem I had with this mix, though, so I can understand if you were scratching your head with them too!

Messages In This Thread
ul-mix - by uzilevi - 24-04-2012, 02:22 PM
RE: ul-mix - by Godawg1023 - 27-04-2012, 06:38 AM
RE: ul-mix - by uzilevi - 27-04-2012, 09:05 AM
RE: ul-mix - by Mike Senior - 02-05-2012, 09:07 PM
RE: ul-mix - by uzilevi - 04-05-2012, 11:10 AM