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Digital Only Logic Proz Late Night Weekend
Guys I really haven't been sleeping so I mean its fantastic I'm getting some good mixing done but I'm actually dying.

Please enjoy a mix. I did it just for you.

Yes, you.

.mp3    One_Time_WeekendM1.1.mp3 --  (Download: 20.8 MB)

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Very wide with a plethora of competing environments. The voice is an odd fit I fear as is the snare to a lesser degree. I am also missing some definition on the bass. However it is still very listenable and it is all there from a musical perspective.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
Hello mate,

Yeah that's some really great feedback. It's an interesting arrangement. I also agree with you about the different sound environments, I suppose I was just trying to create something different. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, I can't really tell. If I was producing this track, I would have re-recorded the vocal in a booth as it was a little harder to control.

Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it mate.
Other Mixes
Hey Quathamer, i really dig this mix. Only thing it lacks i think is some more attitude maybe, but it defenitly works this way, sort of tight and more live in a room feeling.
(09-08-2019, 01:56 PM)crownoise Wrote: Hey Quathamer, i really dig this mix. Only thing it lacks i think is some more attitude maybe, but it defenitly works this way, sort of tight and more live in a room feeling.

Hey mate,

Yeah good feedback, and I agree I could definitely afford to add some more attitude and presence to the scope. It was hard to decide what to do with the guitar solo as well.

Thanks again there mate.
Other Mixes
I think the guitars could be thinned out a bit more and maybe come back a little. I think that might give more room for the bass. I'm not a fan of the vocal effect but that's a personal preference.
I like the overall tone. It's fat and bouncy and works with the song. It's gotta lotta butt, if that makes sense.
Good job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.