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#50 Howlin - What did you say about Robert Pattinson? Take it back!
Like, I totally love vampires and werewolves and whatever, duh!!!

I wanted to make the track evolve around the piano, with more of an organic, Bat For Lashes-esque feel, so I really tried to give the piano better mono compatibility (playing with phase allignement, lowering low end from the side information...) to no avail, big failure. And for some reason, the acoustic guitars kinda vanished in mono as well, even thou they were real double tracks, how is that possible?

Thus, the mix it's unlikely to sound good on phone speakers and stuff like that. What would you have done about it?

.mp3    50 - Amber Skye - Howlin (Deliza Mix).mp3 --  (Download: 9.5 MB)

Firstly, what pan law are you using?
"Nearly half of all teenagers and young adults (12-35 years old) in middle- and high-income countries are exposed to unsafe levels of sound from the use of personal  audio  devices": Read my bio.
Overall the balance works well. Some things jump out at me.
I'm not a fan of the distortion on the piano at the top.
The vocal gets a bit harsh in the 2-3k region when she pushes or the bgvs stack together.
I'm not familiar with this tunes or the basic tracks so it's hard to say how things sound normally. I'd download it but apparently I have to go through PureMix. Also, it's 90 tracks. It doesn't sound like 90 tracks. Feel free to drop some that are hurting the mix.
I'm assuming it isn't an acoustic piano. Sometimes synth pianos add "3d" processing to try to create more depth or interest. It you have phase issues with something like that then playing with phase alignment probably won't help in a relatively complex sound as a piano. Pan it narrower or just pick a side and go with the left (probably) or right hand and see how that sits. As far as the acoustics go, did you flip the polarity on one? Did that help? Some times shit happens and things interact weirdly. This would be a case where phase alignment between the two separate acoustic tracks could help. But more likely there more going on with the acoustic tracks than meets the ear.

{Fake Edit} I just listened to it in mono. It still sounds pretty good. Yeah, you're right. The acoustics do get louder when I flip the polarity in mono. Try flipping the polarity of one. The piano gets 'duller' but level wise the balance still works. Panning it inwards a bit might help but in the end I don't think it's a big deal and maybe that phase stuff going on creates depth in stereo that doesn't hurt the mix when it's in mono. It's a compromise that works.

In the end it feels like a good mix. The piano has some distortion that's distracting and that should be fixed. The vocals can get harsh around 3k. As do some of the guitars(?). Notably around 3 minutes.

That's it. That's all I noticed. It's a solid, pop song mix. Especially for dealing with 90 tracks. Good job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
The intro edits on the musical arrangements sound great! The ones half away and through the end givese mixed feelings.. but it's great to see a different take on this.
For the record I'm lazy and a poor commentator/critiquer (not a word) but I will say I have noted Deliza your mixes have gotten better over the years. There has been a noticeable improvement. Good work.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
(19-07-2019, 01:11 PM)Monk Wrote: Firstly, what pan law are you using?

Reaper's default is 0.0dB so I guess that's it. Once ot twice I tried to learn the theory about it but just ended with a headache. Though I did think I understood pan law was relevant when automating pans only (but that could be wrong too, couldn't it?).
(19-07-2019, 02:12 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: The piano has some distortion that's distracting and that should be fixed.

Can't remember if I put any on it, the original arrangement was fully beat driven from the top and piano, just like everything else, was always kinda masked and probably never meant to sound isolated. Maybe it wasn't wise to spotlight it like that but still I just fancied to do some editing.

(19-07-2019, 02:12 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: I'm assuming it isn't an acoustic piano. Pan it narrower or just pick a side.

Very unlikely to be the real thing, indeed. And yes, life was better when I just made things mono; I should leave the phase allignement stuff to the pros at least till I'm sure I can write it right!

(19-07-2019, 02:12 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: The vocal gets a bit harsh in the 2-3k region when she pushes or the bgvs stack together.

Yep, LV came in different tracks for the verses and chorus, but that's not excuse, it's very metallic sounding and contrast with the verse makes it worse.

(19-07-2019, 02:12 PM)RoyMatthews Wrote: It doesn't sound like 90 tracks.

I'd say 20 tracks were one-and-done-like foleys (you know, reversed cymbals, thunders and booooms made of several layers), then 3/4 kicks, same for snares, hats... so it was never gonna sound 90 tracks-like and I dropped half of it anyway.

Thanks, I really appreciate the indepth opinion, Roy!
(19-07-2019, 05:35 PM)Shul Wrote: The intro edits on the musical arrangements sound great! The ones half away and through the end givese mixed feelings.. but it's great to see a different take on this.

The middle 8 edits are asking for trouble and looking for a fight, I know! I always look for the chance to make some seamless edits just after rough balancing levels (I'll do it with bleedy live tracks, even) and sometimes I know it ain't for the better but I still want to do it as an exercise. Gracias!

(19-07-2019, 07:37 PM)Deliza Wrote: Very unlikely to be the real thing, indeed. And yes, life was better when I just made things mono; I should leave the phase alignment stuff to the pros at least till I'm sure I can write it right!

Pardon my french, but fudge that. Keep working at phase alignment. Personally, it's a new thing to my world, and I'm a old guy. But never assume any tool or technique is too advanced or beyond you. I'd reckon I'd have decades on you and I'd much rather ask your opinion about phase alignment than assume I know more. It's a rather new technique. You can be a pro at it. I make things mono out of laziness and inexperience. There might be new ideas to learn from. Don't assume that phase alignment is that complex.

That said, yeah, that piano prolly has a lot of phase issues going on and can't really be solved. In the end, in my old guy experience it's ok.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
I've caught myself doing some fine adjustments over that phase plugin... I'd think "yeah, that's it, I've just make it sound sooo much better" and then of course I'd realize the damn thing wasn't even on.

"Friday Night's a Great Night for Mixiiing" No, enuff! Let us all get some rest, turn those global warmers compressors off and have a nice weekend, old and young dogs alike! Thanks everyone for the feedback, again!