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Paul Smith & 8 Days A Week Studio: 'The Weight'
Hey all! long time since i did some mixing, so id thought to begin with an easier mix that already sound good from the get go. This is my mix, i went kinda hard on the distortion because i felt it did something to the overall sound. Fun to hear yours, cheers! I did two masters since i knew i had so much bass , so comparing to the mixes here i think i was a tad of with the bass so i did 2 db bass cutting and some highend boosting on second master and some small mix adjustments.

.mp3    mixin.mp3 --  (Download: 12.98 MB)

I think i know you, from a long time ago.
Hi dude.
I prefer the second one. previous one i felt it a bit overwarming on the mid-lows.
Also that fx applied in the mandolin (i think that it was applied on that instrument) in the beginning liked so much, sounds trippy.
Great take, feels strong.
yes thats correct! hey, i like you liked the weirdness going on. In a perfect world nothing is fun. Thanks! Have a good one.
Yes, an interesting take! Not sure I was quite expecting that! Only thing I notice that it does sound a touch roomy I think, possibly around the 400Hz ish area.

On a more technical note, I picked up that it peaks somewhere around +4 or +5 over. This can be down to mp3 conversion. Sometimes even with true peak limiting on the master bus, even if the wav render doesn't go over, the mp3 conversion process can sometimes make it go over by quite a lot. I didn't remember to check my mp3 file after conversion, looks like it has 1 over too.

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(06-12-2024, 03:55 PM)mikej Wrote: Yes, an interesting take! Not sure I was quite expecting that! Only thing I notice that it does sound a touch roomy I think, possibly around the 400Hz ish area.

On a more technical note, I picked up that it peaks somewhere around +4 or +5 over.  This can be down to mp3 conversion.  Sometimes even with true peak limiting on the master bus, even if the wav render doesn't go over, the mp3 conversion process can sometimes make it go over by quite a lot.  I didn't remember to check my mp3 file after conversion, looks like it has 1 over too.


I did have a bit of reverb on my masterbus so this might be what you are hearing, are you listening on monitors? I assume mixes on headphones often translates more roomy there? And also a correct observation with the overs, i had so hard time making my master sound loud so i gambled on it clipping the output a bit and it turned out to sound ok which it usually doesn't so i was like, ok i leave it like that then i atleast have like 2 db extra volume Smile (Y)

Mixing wise, it can sometimes help to check the overall frequency balance with an analyser, or something like Ozone, Audiolens or similar if you have it, to see if you are somewhere in the ballpark. I recall the Tokyo Dawn mastering EQ might have a mix analysis mode too, although it's a while since I demoed it. Probably loads of other things about too.

Regarding overs, if you go over 0dB, then I guess you are looking to clip my (the listeners) interface rather than yours as such, no? Smile. Clipping the interface is only really useful if you are recording the output on something else, so you can record the clipped output at something less than 0dB. Otherwise probably better to use a clipper plug perhaps for that sort of effect ITB.

I know you've tried to do something a bit different and more unique here. For the more traditional folk style I don't think there is any need to push it volume wise. -10 to - 12 LUFS I would suggest is more than competitive for the genre. I do feel the library mix might be a bit misleading volume wise, compared to say the Youtube mix.

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Yes well i intended to try something new since i was making a more "warm" sounding mix so i could not bring up the volume well enough with ordinary clipping. I did not think about it that way clipping someone else soundcard/converters, i always assumed that after converting the mp3 file would just be more flat and chopped of, and even if i was clipping someone else output as you say it would still sound more musical then clipping it with a plugin. Of course volume is not everything especially with this genre but since i was so far of that was my idea. I think all years of playing drums and mixing and listening to loud music has made me hunt more and more for volume because my loudness perception might be otherwise then others, or for the fact that its my drug and want to have it that way after becoming a loudness-war refugee. I wish i could make those warm but insanely loud mixes without it messing the material up too much, maybe i'll get there one day but that might require me to go out of the box i suppose, i always dreamt about those analog masterboxes we got to play with in school they sounded so good without needing to fiddel with them too much, and also those summing mixers jummy.

As I mentioned, mp3 conversion is a bit wild and unknown really.  Depending on frequency content I find wav files that don't go over 0dB can go over quite a bit after mp3 conversion.  Some mixes you'll find you will have to limit to -1 or -2 dB or even a bit more to prevent the mp3 going over.

The thing with going over 0dB is that it's basically undefined behaviour in the digital domain.  We really can't tell how different output devices (soundcards) will handle it, or what the sound will be.

I find just turning up the volume a bit while mixing and keeping lots of mix headroom can help.  The volume of the mix can always be brought up with a bit of limiting after.  You could also try some saturation plugin here and there too if you feel the need to thicken things up a bit.  I'd also suggest trying all the limiters you have available too, as some do sound a lot better than others.

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Yes interesting points taken, i also noticed (and learned) that the wav files dynamic floor is higher so it totally make sense that the overs would be more preserved, i mean it theoretically should be right since the file retains more information. I just got to get some of those analog gear right, mike can you please donate me at least 100k so i can try it out?
I would imagine you could hire a studio for a lot less than that? Depending on how long you were planning on taking to do the mix of course Smile.

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