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Good Time, AZ mix
Here's my take on this one.

My comments up front...

Those "ambiance" mics were hard to deal with. They were not all receiving the same tones, it seems, and they were all off center. (When you're setting up room mics for a drum kit, draw a straight line between your mic and the kit. If it doesn't cross BOTH the kick and the snare (or very nearly), please move the mic.... I don't wanna hear the snare in my left ear only.)

The overdub guitars (guitar2 and guitar3) were somewhat hard to deal with, given their very prominent tone. It also would have been nice if the initial hit on guitar1 was louder but oh well.

(I'll probably fiddle and fuss with this for my own benefit for a while longer just to tweak it to "just right" but it won't change in any significant way.)

.mp3    Good Time.mp3 --  (Download: 10.85 MB)

Old West Audio
I do like the overall space in the mix as everything has it's own place, and seems well balanced.

This is more a taste thing on my part but the ending seems a little disjointed, with the distorted turn around being in your face, then the follow up melody dropping back a bit, seems to suck the energy out and 'fizzle' instead of go out with a bang. IMO.
