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Ecstasy -- Ben Flowers (ELLE EDIT&MIX)
Hi everyone, here my edit and mix of Ecstasy by Ben Flowers. Hope you like it and feel free to comment and give advices! Thanks!!

.mp3    Ecstasy, Ben Flowers V1 ELLE.mp3 --  (Download: 7.85 MB)

Hi, I just posted my mix of this song and figured I should do my part as an objective listener so here are my notes as I listened to your mix:

-Intro fx are well done
-The vocal doubling works but could use some tuning, maybe a bit too deep or flat in tone
-I like how you handled the lead solo section and the fx. I had a hard time with that part
-Good edits all around
-I'm just unsure about the kick buildups for this kind of song, maybe a riser instead? The 16th note kicks end up having more energy than the actual drop for a pretty mellow song.

Lastly I'd suggest increasing the volume of your mix, I know it's not a master but it's very quiet so I can't hear more of the intricacies that I would at a louder volume. In the future if you can post at a higher volume I can speak more about the mix aspect of things.

Regardless I enjoyed the direction you went with this track and adding your personal touches to enhance what was a pretty dry demo.