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Mykey Massacre - Don't Please Stay
Had to try this one out...

.mp3    Mykey Massacre - Don\'t Please Stay v1 R01.mp3 --  (Download: 17.31 MB)

MacPro 5,1 - Monterey | UAD Apollo Twin | Sennheiser HD-600 | Reaper | LUNA
Overall the balance is fine

Lots of power in the intro fill. Nice! Perhaps a little too much verb on the tom though ...

Maybe the lead vocal is a dB or two to the loud side ... nothing major though

The bass sits nicely in the mix and sonic quality is nic as well. I miss a little more "bite" though.

Great work!
I have a Polish friend, who is a sound engineer. Oh, and a Czech one too.

Hey Krabbe,

Thanks for listening and for your feedback.
"Maybe the lead vocal is a dB or two to the loud side ... nothing major though". Yeah, I find myself, sometimes, giving the vocal, maybe, too much attention instead of the song

MacPro 5,1 - Monterey | UAD Apollo Twin | Sennheiser HD-600 | Reaper | LUNA
Hi filipandrei,

Nice mix!

a couple of minor thoughts:

- The bottom end of the kick seems a little too much to me specially when the double kick plays.
Maybe you could reduce it in that sections gaining clarity.

- The vocals could be a little more wet in the choruses. 
- The triple harmony (the "don't, don't, doooooon't" part). I think your mix would improve if you move the parts out of the center.

Hi hobbyist,

Thanks a lot for your feedback.
I agree, there might be some minor tweaks to make this a great mix. For sure I'll be reviewing this some months from now

MacPro 5,1 - Monterey | UAD Apollo Twin | Sennheiser HD-600 | Reaper | LUNA
I like your cymbals.
The rest is pretty good too.
PreSonus Studio One DAW
[email protected]
Thanks Mixinthecloud
MacPro 5,1 - Monterey | UAD Apollo Twin | Sennheiser HD-600 | Reaper | LUNA