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PrayForTheRain, Nerve 9 mix by DZ
Hi everybody, i really enjoyed mixing this song, please check it and comment, thanks.

.mp3    PrayForTheRain_1.mp3 --  (Download: 13.02 MB)

Hi Diego - thanks for mixing our track ! I just had a listen through to your mix. The highlight for me was the outro guitar at the end - liked the effects you selected ! Your mix also highlighted a lot of the keyboard parts which are generally in the background, so it gave some unique flavours to your mix. In general, the sound of the various instruments seemed good to me.

If you were mixing it for us, the feedback I would have for you would be:
1. General concern about the lead vocal balance - I think in the chorus parts, most of the other instruments feel "in front" of the singer. There could be some 2k masking happening with some of the keyboard parts etc, so I think there is an opportunity to carve out space for the vocals more here. The bridge section, however, the balance felt good, so I suspect panning, carving out eq etc in the chorus or busier parts would help. Is the flange effect on the vocals in the bridge intentional?
2. Snare sound. Feels like the attack on the compressor is too fast - no transient. I am not sure the snare reverb helps in this regard - overall makes the snare sound small where it could have much more impact.
3. Minor - check the levels of the distorted/panned chorus guitars. Left feels louder than right to me.
4. Middle guitar solo - similar to vocals, it feels like it is getting lost in the instrumentation.

Thanks again for mixing our track and sharing ! I hope these comments help a bit !

Thomas, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate very much your comments. This is the mix fixed, hope you like it.

.mp3    PrayForTheRain_2.mp3 --  (Download: 12.81 MB)
